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Щас меня все расфрендят и забанят, но молчать не могу Right now me rasfrendyat and banned, but I can not keep silent
[info] buldozr buldozr
Интернетные комментарии о глобальном потеплении представляют даже больший интерес для антрополога-любителя (а может, и профессионала), чем преломление копий о свободе . The internet comments about global warming are even greater interest to the amateur anthropologist (and maybe even professional) than the refraction of copies of freedom. Интеллект носителей устойчивых популярных мемов здесь как будто повыше, чем, скажем, в теории об инсценированной высадке на Луну. Intellect Media stable of popular memes are like taller than, say, the theory of a staged landing on the moon.

Для камрадов-программистов попытаюсь обрисовать аналогию того, как должен выглядеть весь этот ненаучный климатический «скепсис» с точки зрения ученых, занимающихся климатом. For comrade-programmers will try to describe the analogy that should look like this whole unscientific climate "skepticism" in terms of scientists engaged in climate. Представьте, обсуждаете вы с коллегами в своем списке рассылки детали архитектуры и исполнения важного проекта. Imagine you are discussing with colleagues in your mailing list details of the architecture and execution of an important project. И тут появляются какие-то пионеры, в жизни не писавшие работающего кода (но некоторые из них знают HTML и тягали готовый JavaScript с примеров на вебе). And then there are some pioneers in life did not write code that works (but some of them know HTML and JavaScript draft ready with examples on the web). И заявляют, что ваш проект выморочная херня и все надо делать проще и понятнее людям. And say that your project is unclaimed garbage and everything should be done simpler and more understandable to people. Что никому на самом деле не нужен ваш функциональный язык, потому что любую задачу можно эффективно решить на PHP и Visual Basic. What no one really does not need your functional language, because any problem can be efficiently solved in PHP and Visual Basic. Что функции высшего порядка извращение, а наиболее естественно с позиций здравого смысла писать циклы и конструкции switch. What is the function of higher-order distortion, and the most naturally with common sense write cycles and design switch. Что модульность только усложняет разработку, и с пафосом употребляют где-то услышанную крутую аббревиатуру YAGNI. With modularity only complicates the development and use of pathos somewhere heard steep abbreviation YAGNI. И тому подобное. And so on. Подход к восприятию текстов у них примерно такой: бегло просканировать первый экран по диагонали, взвесить по найденным ключевым словам, что текст идеологически неверный, и начать рационализировать это убеждение с зацепки на какой-нибудь несущественной детали, либо без обиняков перейти к обсуждению личности автора. Approach to understanding the texts they have something like this: a cursory scan the first screen diagonally, weigh on the found keywords that the text is ideologically wrong, and begin to rationalize this belief with the hooks on some minor details or bluntly discussing the identity of the author. В ответ на попытки объяснить, что они неправы, вас обвиняют в келейности и оторванности от реальной жизни индустрии, и в том, что вы участвуете в глобальном сговоре с целью создать у работодателей убеждение в вашей исключительности и раздувать свои неоправданно высокие зарплаты. In response to attempts to explain that they're wrong, you are accused of secretly and isolation from real-life industry, and that you participate in a global conspiracy to create a conviction of employers in your exclusivity and inflate their unwarranted salaries. И что ваши искусственно усложненные решения играют на руку то ли производителям определенных коммерческих продуктов, то ли идеологизированным движениям за открытые исходники, озабоченным только самораскруткой. And that your artificially complicated solutions are at hand is whether the producers of certain commercial products, or ideological movement towards open source, preoccupied only self-promotion. Вы увидите в этом зерна истины? (если да, не смущайтесь: на это был расчет) Околачиватель колонок в респектабельном издании «Компьютерра» непременно увидит. You will see a grain of truth in this? (If yes, do not hesitate: this was calculated) Okolachivatel columns in a respectable publication "Computerra will surely see.

Однако ведь по-человечески «скептиков» можно понять. However, because a human being "skeptics" can be understood. Пожалуй, впервые в истории человечества большинство людей с приличным образованием оказываются не в состоянии выдвинуть сколь-нибудь компетентного мнения о проблеме глобальной важности (до этого была разработка технологий, необходимых для ядерного оружия, но о них тогдашних блоггеров не сочли нужным вовремя оповестить). For the first time in human history, most people with a decent education are not able to nominate how something informed opinion about the issue of global significance (before that was to develop technologies needed for nuclear weapons, but they are the then bloggers are not deemed it necessary to tell the time). Это раздражает. It is annoying. В русскоязычной блогосфере к тому же силен этакий защитный цинизм с мотивацией «не показывать слабины»: дескать, нашли лоха, я всех выкупил, кругом пиздеж и заказуха. In the Russian-language blogosphere to as strong a sort of protective cynicism with the motivation "does not show slacks": they say, found Loja, I bought all, around pizdezh and zakazuha.

В процессе узнал про гипотезу Сэлема , замечательно совпадающую с анекдотическими наблюдениями о том, что адепты функционального программирования удивительно часто оказываются лютыми политическими фашистами, и тем, что инженеры диспропорционально пополняют ряды тех, кто готов взрывать себя и других людей по религиозным соображениям. In the process learned about a hypothesis Salem, remarkably coincides with anecdotal observations that the adherents of functional programming, surprisingly often lyutymi political fascists, and the fact that engineers are disproportionately swell the ranks of those willing to blow themselves and others for religious reasons.

Кстати, и комментарии к прошлой записи доставили более , чем ожидалось. By the way, and comments to the last record was taken more than expected.

Негров с индусами слишком много, тут я с вашими союзниками согласен Blacks with the Indians too much, then I agree with your allies

:) Ну зачем же вас расфренживать? :) Well, why did you rasfrenzhivat? Полезно знать, каким образом жулики от науки морочат головы выпускникам МГУ. It is useful to know how the thieves from science they trying to fool the head of MSU graduates.

Вы, кажется, приписываете предполагаемым жуликам некоторую направленную активность в охмурении, видимо, меня. You seem to ascribe to the alleged swindlers some directed activity ohmurenii seems to me. Не похоже, чтобы люди от науки заполонили интернет так, что мне не было куда еще податься в поиске материалов, наиболее свободных от "мусора мозга", как говорит моя дочь. There does not seem that people from science flooded the Internet so that I had no where else to go in search of materials, most free of "brain waste", says my daughter. Скорее, все наоборот. Rather, the opposite is true.

Зачем же? Why? Они не вас, а мировое правительство охмуряют, а вам бросают "кость" сопричастности к Специалистам. They do not have, and world government ohmuryayut, as you throw "bone" of ownership to a specialist. "Мы же с вами Специалисты, а не какие-нибудь Пионеры от программирования и климатологии". "We are with you experts, but not some of the pioneers of programming and climatology.

Мировое правительство - это которое в Копенгагене давеча собиралось? World government - which is in Copenhagen this morning to collect? Долго охмурять придется, ох долго... Long ohmuryat have, oh, long time ...

А мне не нужно было даже бросать "кость". And I do not have to even leave "bone". Я и так сколько угодно могу ощущать причастность к узкому кругу специалистов. I so much as you like can feel ownership of a narrow circle of specialists. Может быть, просто не стоит путать это чувство с ощущением универсальной компетентности, и иметь сколько нибудь уважения к другим специалистам, пусть и не всегда делающим умозаключения, которые вам нравятся. Maybe, just should not confuse this feeling with a sense of universal competence, and to have any degree of respect for other professionals, though not always make inferences that you like.

=охмурять придется, ох долго = ohmuryat have, oh, a long
Киотский протокол приняли же. The Kyoto Protocol adopted the same. Если бы не кризис+климатгейт+суровая зима, то и в этот раз чего-нибудь бы приняли. If not a crisis klimatgeyt + + severe winter, then this time something would have.

Вас не смущает, что компетентные универсально + пионеры составляют меньшинство по сравнению со сторонниками "антропогенного потепления"? You are not embarrassed that the competent universally + pioneers are a minority compared with the proponents of "anthropogenic warming"? Т.е. Ie получается, что спецов по климату как-то слишком много. turns out that specialists on the climate a little too much. Собственно это я к тому, что универсальную компетентность скорее можно приписать потепленцам, а их противникам может быть излишний скептицизм, который вполне объясняется суммами денег, которые хотят выудить из их карманов на "ремонт провала". Actually it's me to the fact that universal competence rather can be attributed poteplentsam, and their opponents may be excessive skepticism, which is fully explained by the amounts of money who want to dig out of their pockets to "repair the failure."

Если бы не кризис+климатгейт+суровая зима, то и в этот раз чего-нибудь бы приняли. If not a crisis klimatgeyt + + severe winter, then this time something would have.

Мне так не кажется. I do not think so. "Климатгейт" существует преимущественно в головах "скептиков" (разом отбросивших скептический подход для этого случая) и внимающих им хомячков. "Klimatgeyt" exists mainly in the minds of "skeptics" (once set back a skeptical approach to this case) and listens to them hamsters. Умозаключение "зима была холодная -> климат не теплеет" это лакмусовая бумажка, выделяющая тех, кто не въехал даже в ликбез о том, что такое глобальный климат. Inference "winter was cold -> warmer climate is not" a litmus test distinguishing those who have not even entered in the task of explaining what is the global climate. Я думаю, в Копенгагене были люди немного более просвещенные, или имеющие таковых советников. I think that in Copenhagen there were people a little more enlightened, or having such advisers.

Вас не смущает, что компетентные универсально + пионеры составляют меньшинство по сравнению со сторонниками "антропогенного потепления"? You are not embarrassed that the competent universally + pioneers are a minority compared with the proponents of "anthropogenic warming"? Т.е. Ie получается, что спецов по климату как-то слишком много. turns out that specialists on the climate a little too much.

Разумеется, не все сторонники спецы. Of course, not all supporters of the expert. Есть люди, которых убеждает аргументация. There are people who persuades argument. Есть и пионэры, для которых это новое модное Движение. There pionery, for which this new fashion trends. Политики есть, как без них. Politics is like without them.

Я не знал, что скептики чувствуют себя в осаде; в интернетах обратная картина. I did not know that the skeptics feel under siege, the internets opposite is true. И про суммы денег я мало что знаю, пока что больше слышал невнятного испуга про это, но счетов заоблачных никто не предъявлял. And about the amount of money I did not know that, still more incomprehensible terror heard about it, but the accounts of the clouds no one offense. Потом, получается, что львиная доля пресловутых сумм придется на то самое большинство, которое это дело поддерживает? Then, it turns out that the lion's share of notorious amounts will occur in the very majority which supports the case?

Edited at 2010-01-13 07:32 (UTC) Edited at 2010-01-13 07:32 (UTC)

Спасибо, больше вопросов не имею. Thank you, no more questions I have. :-) :-)

жжёшь напалмом zhzhesh napalm

[info] nealar nealar

2010-01-13 05:50 (UTC) 2010-01-13 05:50 (UTC)

адепты функционального программирования удивительно часто оказываются лютыми политическими фашистами adherents of functional programming surprisingly often lyutymi political fascists
Взглянув на топ авторов , сижу и тупо улыбаюсь. Looking at the top authors, sit and blankly smiling.

Re: жжёшь напалмом Re: zhzhesh napalm

[info] buldozr buldozr

2010-01-13 07:12 (UTC) 2010-01-13 07:12 (UTC)

Да-да, там их есть. Yes, there they are. Я когда-то давно постил ссылку на историю правок в Википедии такого бойца, где нацизм перемежался с Haskell или чем-то в этом роде. I am a long time ago Post links to the history of edits on Wikipedia, such a fighter, where the Nazis alternated with Haskell or something like that. Потом их, вроде, из Википедии повыперли. Then they, like, Wikipedia povyperli.

Re: жжёшь напалмом Re: zhzhesh napalm

[info] nealar nealar

2010-01-13 07:28 (UTC) 2010-01-13 07:28 (UTC)

По-моему, такой боец в рунете ровно один и эту фамилию мы все знаем. In my opinion, such a fighter in runet exactly one, and this name we all know. Насчёт уровня нацизма - не в курсе, а насчёт уровня его книги по хаскелю - всё очень печально. As regards the level of Nazism - not in the know, and about the level of his books on Haskell - all very sad. Просто раньше других русских учебников не было. Just before other Russian textbooks were. Щаз, вроде появился нормальный. Schaz like appeared normal.

Re: жжёшь напалмом Re: zhzhesh napalm

[info] buldozr buldozr

2010-01-13 07:37 (UTC) 2010-01-13 07:37 (UTC)

Что, даже с computer science у него проблемы? What, even with computer science he has problems? Жаль, был бы такой замечательный контраст. It is a pity, would have been such a wonderful contrast.

Есть еще Вербицкий и один-другой полусумасшедший физик. There are Verbitsky and one or two insane physicist.

В каком смысле "даже"? In what sense "even"? У него фашизм какой-то неполноценный? He fascism some inferiority complex? С CS проблем нет</strike> не замечено, есть проблемы с "уметь объяснять". Since CS is no problem </ strike> not noticed, there are problems with the "know how to explain."

Вербитский - функциональщик?? Verbitscaya - funktsionalschik? В каком месте? Where?

"Полусумасшедший физик" - надо полагать, Луговской. "Insane physicist" - presumably Lugovskoi. Он - лиспер, а не хаскелист, и это прямо вытекает из религиозных соображений. He - lisper, not haskelist, and it stems directly from religious considerations.

Причём, проблемы с "уметь объяснять" настолько тяжёлые, что можно предположить проблемы с "чётко понимать". Moreover, problems with the "know how to explain" is so heavy that we can assume the problem with "clearly understood".

Умгум. Umgum. В какой-то момент мне передали, что он на меня обиделся, из-за того, что я говно назвал говном. At some point I was told that he offended me, because of what I call shit by shit.

А вот у Луговского проблем с "уметь объяснять", по-моему, не было. But at Lugovskoy problems with the "know how to explain, in my opinion, was not. Кстати, он ЛуговскИй. By the way, he Lugovskii.

Судя по тому, как восхищаются Луговским знающие люди, польза от его прогонов таки была. Judging by how delighted Lugovskii knowledgeable people, the benefits of his runs was still. А то, что лично я её не видел - ну так я и электрон не видел и собственный моск, и что с того. And the fact that I personally have not seen it - well, so I have not seen an electron and its own Mosca, and so what.

Если бы не Луговский, я бы о существовании ФП мог и вообще не узнать. If it were not Lugovskii, I would be the existence of FP could and did not know.

Вербитский - функциональщик?? Verbitscaya - funktsionalschik? В каком месте? Where?

Прошу прощения, тут я уже заговорил шире про рыцарей чистого разума. Sorry, here I have talked more about the Knights of pure reason.

Есть еще физик Лопатников, правда, не знаю, хорош ли он как физик. There is also a physicist Lopatnikov, though I do not know if it works better as a physicist. Как тролль - великолепен. How Troll - magnificent.

Edited at 2010-01-13 10:06 (UTC) Edited at 2010-01-13 10:06 (UTC)

Мы любим их не только за это. We love them not just for this.

Рыцари чистого разума с необходимостью должны быть антиклерикалами. Knights of pure reason with the need to be secularists. Обратное - в зависимости от особенностей психики. The opposite - depending on the characteristics of the psyche.

Ты забыл сказать, что детали архитектуры обсуждаются с привлечением широких масс и аргументами типа: "мы, американцы, как самая развитая нация в мире, должны в полный рост пользоваться UML!" You forgot to mention that the architectural details are discussed with the involvement of the broad masses and the arguments like: "we, Americans, like most developed nation in the world should be full height to use UML!"

Я отвечу чуваку из прошлой записи чуть позже. I answer dude from the last record later. На это нужно время -- он оказался не идиотом, а человеком. This takes time - it was not an idiot, but man. который врёт сознательно. which lies deliberately. (Замечу: что я ни на секунду не начинаю обсуждать выводы -- я для этого слишком мало знаю. Я обсуждаю логику и способ подачи материала.) (Note: that I never for a second begin to discuss the findings - I am for that too few know. I discuss the logic and method of presentation.)

Ты забыл сказать, что детали архитектуры обсуждаются с привлечением широких масс и аргументами типа: "мы, американцы, как самая развитая нация в мире, должны в полный рост пользоваться UML!" You forgot to mention that the architectural details are discussed with the involvement of the broad masses and the arguments like: "we, Americans, like most developed nation in the world should be full height to use UML!"

Как ясно из нашей дискуссии, акценты там несколько другие: "продукт, разработанный нашим сообществом, удовлетворяет всем требованиям для решений этого класса задач. Теперь мы, американцы (я имею в виду вас, туговатые сторонники Сары Пэлин, до остальных уже доперло), должны использовать его для решения насущной проблемы X", где X что-нибудь калибра обеспечения энергетической независимости или сокращения национального долга. It is clear from our discussions, the focus there for a few others: "a product developed by our community, meets all the requirements for making this class of problems. Now, we Americans (I mean you tugovatye supporters of Sarah Palin, the rest is up to doperlo) should use it to solve the pressing problem of X ", where X is something caliber of energy independence or reduce the national debt.
Про UML это ты неспроста? About UML is you a reason? Кто-то всерьез против его использования для того, для чего он предназначен? Someone seriously against its use for the purpose for which it was intended?

он оказался не идиотом, а человеком. he was not an idiot, but man. который врёт сознательно which lies deliberately

М-м-м, spot assessment поменялся, но остался столь же категоричным. M-m-m, spot assessment has changed, but remained equally categorical. Я не понимаю, каким образом ссылки на научные работы можно за день квалифицировать как вранье, но запасусь попкорном в ожидании продолжения дискуссии. I do not understand how the references to scientific work may one day qualify as lies, but the reserves popcorn in anticipation of further discussion.

Я не понимаю, каким образом ссылки на научные работы можно за день квалифицировать как вранье I do not understand how the references to scientific work may one day qualify as a lie

Не передёргивай. Do not juggle. Ссылки на научные работы остаются ссылками на научные работы, а сравнение принципиально несравнимых вещей остаётся сравнением принципиально несравнимых вещей. Links to scientific papers are references to scientific work, and the comparison principle of non-comparable items is essentially comparing incomparable things. Я думал, у него просто проблемы с образованием, но нет, он понимает (как он признался в комментариях к твоему посту), что с разрешением графиков есть проблема, но тем не менее пишет, что из востоковского графика следует то-то и то-то. I thought he just problems with education, but no, he understands (as he confessed in the comments on your post) that the resolution of graphics have a problem, but nevertheless wrote that because vostokovskogo schedule should be so-and-that something. Если бы он не понимал наличия проблемы с разрешением, он бы ошибался; поскольку он понимает, что она есть -- он врёт. If he did not know of a problem with the resolution, it would be wrong, because he understands what it is - he's lying.

Ещё раз замечу, что я не обсуждаю глобальные выводы. Once again, I do not discuss global findings. Я лишь утверждаю, что у тебя создала видимость "интеллектуальной гигиены" статья, по сути являющаяся тем самым, хотя и замаскированным, "мусором мозга". I am merely saying that you have created the appearance of "intellectual hygiene" article, are essentially thus, though in disguise, "brain waste".

If he did not know of a problem with the resolution, it would be wrong, because he understands what it is - he's lying. If he did not know of a problem with the resolution, it would be wrong, because he understands what it is - he's lying.

Again, google translate must be wrong. Again, google translate must be wrong. It sounds like you're calling me a liar, which is very rude. It sounds like you're calling me a liar, which is very rude. And wrong. And wrong. You brought up a question of time resolution in the Vostok data, which IS an interesting question. You brought up a question of time resolution in the Vostok data, which IS an interesting question. I showed that scientists had examined this question in several other studies, and confirmed the Vostok ice core results. I showed that scientists had examined this question in several other studies, and confirmed the Vostok ice core results. I showed that the words "off the scale" in my article link to an IPCC picture showing that many different analyses show that CO2 has risen dramatically in recent decades. I showed that the words "off the scale" in my article link to an IPCC picture showing that many different analyses show that CO2 has risen dramatically in recent decades.

It's not just the Vostok CO2 record compared to Mauna Loa record, as you seem to say when you say I can't compare incomparable things. It's not just the Vostok CO2 record compared to Mauna Loa record, as you seem to say when you say I can't compare incomparable things. There are many records, with varying resolution. There are many records, with varying resolution. They all point to the same conclusion. They all point to the same conclusion.

And all these questions have been raised already. And all these questions have been raised already. The newer research I discussed here: The newer research I discussed here: tml?thread=659734#t659734 tml? thread = 659734 # t659734

... ... was already linked in the article in the index at "Stormcrow309 asks about potential flaws in the Vostok ice core analysis." was already linked in the article in the index at "Stormcrow309 asks about potential flaws in the Vostok ice core analysis." The links are at the bottom of that discussion. The links are at the bottom of that discussion. t-climate-change#vostok_flaws t-climate-change # vostok_flaws

"we, Americans, like most developed nation in the world should be full height to use UML!" "we, Americans, like most developed nation in the world should be full height to use UML!"

First, I don't know what "UML" means. First, I don't know what "UML" means.

Again, you're talking about a part of the article that was aimed at Republican Americans. Again, you're talking about a part of the article that was aimed at Republican Americans. They say that abrupt climate change is a conspiracy developed by scientists. They say that abrupt climate change is a conspiracy developed by scientists. This is very similar to they way they think evolution is a conspiracy developed by scientists, to hide the "fact" that the world was created by God 6000 years ago with all species as they are today. This is very similar to they way they think evolution is a conspiracy developed by scientists, to hide the "fact" that the world was created by God 6000 years ago with all species as they are today. They think scientists say we need to reduce CO2 emissions because scientists hate America and want America to fail. They think scientists say we need to reduce CO2 emissions because scientists hate America and want America to fail.

That's simply not true, which is why I stressed that America can start helping the world by developing new technology that can improve ALL our lives. That's simply not true, which is why I stressed that America can start helping the world by developing new technology that can improve ALL our lives. We have very advanced science and technology, mostly because by coincidence World War 2 didn't destroy our country because we're isolated by 2 great oceans. We have very advanced science and technology, mostly because by coincidence World War 2 didn't destroy our country because we're isolated by 2 great oceans. This coincidence helped us advance in the late 20th century, and I'm trying very hard to harness that advancement for the good of all humanity. This coincidence helped us advance in the late 20th century, and I'm trying very hard to harness that advancement for the good of all humanity.

I answer dude from the last record later. I answer dude from the last record later. This takes time - it was not an idiot, but man. This takes time - it was not an idiot, but man. который врёт сознательно. which lies deliberately. which lies deliberately. which lies deliberately. (Note: that I never for a second begin to discuss the findings - I am for that too few know. I discuss the logic and method of presentation.) (Note: that I never for a second begin to discuss the findings - I am for that too few know. I discuss the logic and method of presentation.)

So now I'm not an idiot, merely a deliberate liar? So now I'm not an idiot, merely a deliberate liar? Is that an improvement? Is that an improvement?

Maybe you're right that my logic and method of presentation is flawed. Maybe you're right that my logic and method of presentation is flawed. But so far you've complained about things which were ALREADY ANSWERED IN THE ARTICLE. But so far you've complained about things which were ALREADY ANSWERED IN THE ARTICLE. I tried to keep a simple version of the science at the beginning, and deal with more complicated issues after the index. I tried to keep a simple version of the science at the beginning, and deal with more complicated issues after the index. You just didn't read far enough to see that I'd already answered all your objections. You just didn't read far enough to see that I'd already answered all your objections.

But even if you're right, that I need to fix the presentation, why should I listen to you? But even if you're right, that I need to fix the presentation, why should I listen to you? So far you've insulted me repeatedly. So far you've insulted me repeatedly. I haven't insulted you. I haven't insulted you. I've tried patiently to explain my field of science to you. I've tried patiently to explain my field of science to you. In response, I'm called an idiot and a liar. In response, I'm called an idiot and a liar. Do you think I like being insulted? Do you think I like being insulted?

Re: Why all the anger? Re: Why all the anger?

[info] buldozr buldozr

2010-01-13 16:47 (UTC) 2010-01-13 16:47 (UTC)

First, I don't know what "UML" means. First, I don't know what "UML" means.

We were developing an analogy which I put forward to make the character of that would-be debate more accessible to my fellow software developers. We were developing an analogy which I put forward to make the character of that would-be debate more accessible to my fellow software developers. As if a bunch of aggressive morons come out of the woodwork and attack a software project I participate in, gratuitously demonstrating ignorance about fundamental things. As if a bunch of aggressive morons come out of the woodwork and attack a software project I participate in, gratuitously demonstrating ignorance about fundamental things. Avysk continued that such a project would engage in something of dubious use, like pushing UML usage. Avysk continued that such a project would engage in something of dubious use, like pushing UML usage. Now, UML is just a standardized graphical modeling language that's useful for software architectural documents or just whiteboard doodling (not unlike the blueprint conventions that the civic engineers use). Now, UML is just a standardized Graphical modeling language that's Useful Documents for Software architectural or just Whiteboard Doodling (not unlike the blueprint conventions that the civic engineers use). An image problem it has, is that some people and companies took the "modeling" aspect too far, and started pushing it as a tool for actual software development. An image problem it has, is that some people and companies took the "modeling" aspect too far, and started pushing it as a tool for actual software development. This didn't work well in practice. This didn't work well in practice.

As to the hoopla about the American-centric rhetoric at the beginning of your webpage, it seems that some people can't get past it without irrevocably considering the rest of the article an evangelism of American supremacy with scientific-sounding stuff thrown here and there for legitimacy. As to the hoopla about the American-centric rhetoric at the beginning of your webpage, it seems that some people can't get past it without irrevocably considering the rest of the article an evangelism of American supremacy with scientific-sounding stuff thrown here and there for legitimacy. To be honest, I didn't really pay much attention to that bit when I was reading your page, thinking something like, here's some introductory pep talk he aims at his compatriots, yadda yadda, let's get down to the beef. To be honest, I didn't really pay much attention to that bit when I was reading your page, thinking something like, here's some introductory pep talk he aims at his compatriots, yadda yadda, let's get down to the beef. It's amazing how different people can read wildly different things out of the same piece of text. It's amazing how different people can read wildly different things out of the same piece of text.

Re: Why all the anger? Re: Why all the anger?

[info] avysk avysk

2010-01-13 18:40 (UTC) 2010-01-13 18:40 (UTC)

To be honest, I didn't really pay much attention to that bit when I was reading your page To be honest, I didn't really pay much attention to that bit when I was reading your page

And I do pay attention to such things, because they clearly indicate the lack of culture of scientific discussion. And I do pay attention to such things, because they clearly indicate the lack of culture of scientific discussion.

It's a page intended for laymen, not a scientific discussion. It's a page intended for laymen, not a scientific discussion.

So no "intellectual hygiene" anymore? So no "intellectual hygiene" anymore? (Referring to your first post about this topic...) (Referring to your first post about this topic ...)

Почему. Why. Если статья адресована широкой публике, в первую очередь американцам, это не значит, что приводимые там аргументы лишены научной строгости, тем более что они буквально цитируются из настоящих научных работ. If the article is addressed to the general public, especially the Americans, this does not mean that the arguments given there lack of scientific rigor, the more that they literally quoted from the present research papers. Да, я забыл предупредить, что до аргументов нужно дочитать, и это чуть дальше чем введение с некоторыми трюизмами и благоглупостями. Yes, I forgot to warn that the arguments need to finish reading, and it is a little further than the introduction of some truisms and nonsense. Я как бы рассчитывал, что этот навык у читающей меня публики еще не утрачен. I like to hope that this skill in read me the public has not yet lost. Надо добавить разъяснение в запись. You need to add an explanation in writing.

Докуда нужно дочитать, чтобы убедиться, что график с разрешением в полторы тысячи лет имеет хоть какое-то отношение к обсуждаемой проблеме? How far should finish reading, to make sure that the schedule with a resolution of fifteen hundred years has anything to do with the topic of the conference? Только не нужно отсылать меня к другим экспериментам итп -- я не спорю с научными выводами, я спорю с манерой изложения . Just do not need to send me to the other experiments and so forth - I will not argue with scientific findings, I argue with the manner of presentation. Я пока что не вижу никакого смысла в помещении того графика в статью, кроме попытки создать у читателя впечатления "ах, какой ужас". I do not see any sense in the room of the chart in the article, but an attempt to create impressions in the reader "Oh, how awful."

To begin with, it's indisputable that the Earth's climate has varied wildly in the past. To begin with, it's indisputable that the Earth's climate has varied wildly in the past. Vostok ice core data confirm that for nearly half a million years, the climate has changed cyclically. Vostok ice core data confirm that for nearly half a million years, the climate has changed cyclically. In all that time, the maximum CO2 concentration never went above 300 ppm. In all that time, the maximum CO2 concentration never went above 300 ppm.

Вот именно этот вывод из именно этого графика я и называю враньём. Precisely this conclusion from this graph is what I call lying.

Если все воспринимать, строго придерживаясь формальной логики, весь корпус результатов экспериментальной физики сплошь состоит из ложных или недоказуемых утверждений и некорректных моделей. If all accept, strict adherence to formal logic, the entire corpus of the results of experimental physics consists entirely of false or unprovable assertions and incorrect models. Тем более неформальный текст, написанный живым человеком. The more informal text, written by a living person. Как это ни может показаться странным, упрощения и умолчания не обязательно означают, что тебя хотят обмануть. It may seem may seem strange, simplification and omission does not necessarily mean that you want to cheat. В тексте дотошно объясняется, почему эти данные подтверждают гипотезу - для тех, кто оперирует дополнительными знаниями о том, как ведет себя CO 2 в атмосфере, а не одним только графиком из интернетов - к тому же есть и более четкие независимо полученные данные, закрепляющие картину. In the text meticulously explains why these data support the hypothesis - for those who operates additional knowledge about the behavior of CO 2 in the atmosphere, not just one schedule from the Internet - and what is more clear, regardless findings that reinforces the picture .

Если до сих пор непонятно, задача из жизни. If you are still not clear, the problem of life. Нам достоверно известно, что поезд "Лев Толстой" покинул Москву вчера в 22 и прибыл в Хельсинки сегодня в 11. We know that the train "Leo Tolstoy" left Moscow yesterday at 22 and arrived in Helsinki today at 11. Служащий РЖД, у которого на руках только эти данные, уверяет вас, что этот поезд никак не мог быть в Караганде сегодня в 3 часа ночи. Railways employee, who at the hands of only those data, I assure you that this train could not be in Karaganda today at 3 o'clock. Означает ли это, что он вам врет, поскольку доподлинно он этого не знает?

Всё это так и не отвечает на вопрос, как приведённый график связан с темой статьи. *Другие* данные и графики да, связаны.

Re: Why all the anger?

[info] avysk

2010-01-13 18:38 (UTC)

Hello, Hello,

sorry for not answering before -- I didn't have enough time.

First I'd like to explain one thing. I'm afraid you misunderstand the point of my discussion with [info] buldozr about your article. We are *not* discussing climate change at all. Your article was used by him as an example of something more scientific than the most materials about the climate change problem. I disagree with this completely. I also mentioned that your article is even more dangerous than the usual popular blah-blah-blah, since it tries hard to *look* like scientific -- pseudoscience in other words.

My first comment, about "idiot" (which should be translated not as "you idiot" but "as he seems to be quite stupid", probably) was based on two facts:

1. 1. You *DO* compare Vostok graph with modern measurements in your article. Or you try hard to make reader to believe that they can be compared. As those things are clearly incomparable, I thought that either it's a lack of basic education or you're not smart enough.

2. 2. You do use emotional arguments in "scientific" article. (Those part about America, I mean). As such kind of arguments is absolutely unsuitable for any kind of scientific discussion, my first impression was that it's caused by the lack of scientific culture or just stupidity.

But now, after reading your comments, I see that:

1. 1. You perfectly understand that Vostok data is not to be compared with modern measurements. Nevertheless in your article you are presenting things like some conclusions can be made from that comparison. Since you know that the logic is wrong but still pushing it on your readers -- I call you a liar. No, it's not an improvement of my first impression, it's worse. You pervert things deliberately.

2. 2. As it turns out, you understand perfectly well that your emotional arguments have nothing to do with the subject of the article and the only purpose of such arguments is to force poorly educated people to believe you. This is called manipulation, and it's also not an improvement of my first impression.

I do not understand how the person who calls himself "scientist" can push flawed logic and emotional arguments on reader without feeling any shame. This is the source of my anger; I hate pseudoscience and manipulators.

Let me say again: I do not care at all if conclusion from Vostok graph is right, if it's supported by other materials or directly contradicts them. YOU PRESENT FLAWED LOGIC TO YOUR READERS, DELIBERATELY. That's the point -- not the global warming.

Re: Why all the anger?

[info] dumbscientist

2010-01-13 21:31 (UTC)

You *DO* compare Vostok graph with modern measurements in your article. Or you try hard to make reader to believe that they can be compared. As those things are clearly incomparable, I thought that either it's a lack of basic education or you're not smart enough. ... ... You perfectly understand that Vostok data is not to be compared with modern measurements. Nevertheless in your article you are presenting things like some conclusions can be made from that comparison.

I understand that a simplistic Vostok-to-Mauna Loa measurement would ignore the 1500 year averaging, as you said earlier. Again, the only reason you think I'm saying (or even suggesting) this is that you didn't click on the words "off the scale" to see all the other studies that link the two measurements, and you didn't bother to notice that in the index I'd already discussed this issue.

YOU PRESENT FLAWED LOGIC TO YOUR READERS, DELIBERATELY. That's the point -- not the global warming.

No, it's not "flawed logic". Even if I hadn't already included all those nuances regarding this issue, it would still just be "simplified logic". I've dealt with this issue before: t-climate-change#not_so_simple

I'll paraphrase: physics is HARD. Scientists need to explain the universe as a series of approximations, otherwise we'd be trying to explain quantum gravity to babies.

For instance, I can imagine you walking into a high school class and looking at their description of gravity: F=m*g. You'd scream "That's FLAWED! 'g' decreases with altitude! You're PERVERTING things deliberately! You're LYING, you should feel shame, and you seem to be QUITE STUPID!"

Then you'd walk into a college undergrad class and look at their description of gravity: F=G*m1*m2/r^2. You'd scream "That's FLAWED! It doesn't account for the recession of Mercury's orbit or the orbital decay of binary pulsars due to energy loss from gravitational waves!"

Then you'd walk into a college grad class on general relativity and look at their description of gravity, which is a tensor equation relating curvature of space-time to the stress-energy tensor. You'd scream "That's FLAWED! It blows up at singularities inside black holes and can't be quantized!"

I've tried to present a short, simple and relatively accurate summary of the science in the first three pages. Then I deal with all kinds of objections in the next 60 pages. If you're REALLY interested in the complexity, then you'd skip my article altogether and go to the primary source: a/publications_ipcc_fourth_assessment_re port_wg1_report_the_physical_science_bas is.htm

Here you'll find ~1000 pages of climate science. The only reason to read my article is to bypass (some of) that complexity with simplifications, so it fits into ~3 pages rather than ~1000.

Here's a quote from page 447 of chapter 6:

"There is no indication in the ice core record that an increase comparable in magnitude and rate to the industrial era has occurred in the past 650,000 years. The data resolution is sufficient to exclude with very high confidence a peak similar to the anthropogenic rise for the past 50,000 years for CO2..."

So, really, your problem isn't with me. It's with the IPCC and most of the climate scientists in the world. I just happen to be the only one dumb enough to listen to you repeatedly insult me. And that, I guess, is MY problem...

2. 2. As it turns out, you understand perfectly well that your emotional arguments have nothing to do with the subject of the article and the only purpose of such arguments is to force poorly educated people to believe you. This is called manipulation, and it's also not an improvement of my first impression.

I'll never know how you got that from my comments. I've said that I'm trying to counter a strong anti-science bias in the "Sarah Palin" crowd in America. I'm not trying to force "poorly educated people" to believe me; instead I'm trying to point out that I'm a human being, not a mad scientist plotting the downfall of America. (As most of them seem to think.)

But clearly there's no point in talking with you. I'll answer your insults by simply saying: Have a nice day.

Re: Why all the anger?

[info] buldozr

2010-01-13 21:51 (UTC)

You *DO* compare Vostok graph with modern measurements in your article. Or you try hard to make reader to believe that they can be compared. As those things are clearly incomparable, I thought that either it's a lack of basic education or you're not smart enough.

You keep refuting a strawman argument here. It's not like somebody, breathing through their mouth, tries to directly compare two data sets of vastly different temporal scales and posts a long detailed article about it. You were explained patiently enough that various data available, cross-correlated and refined as they are, leave next to no room for any CO 2 concentration peaks in the past like the one recently measured. Sad you didn't listen; that basic education you mention should have taught you to.

As it turns out, you understand perfectly well that your emotional arguments have nothing to do with the subject of the article

Look who's talking about being emotionally-driven :)

Hey, I do understand that when it's asserted that someone understands better than you about any particular thing, it can feel like a personal affront bordering on insult. Most people learn to deal with it; some are even humble enough to begin with. Get over it. No need to turn it into special Olympics even if you are in way over your head.

Edited at 2010-01-13 22:36 (UTC)

Re: Why all the anger?

[info] avysk

2010-01-13 18:41 (UTC)

why should I listen to you

You absolutely do not need to. I didn't comment your article, I didn't write you a letter and I didn't call you. I was discussing with [info] buldozr something that is not even completely related to the subject of your article.

Re: Why all the anger?

[info] buldozr

2010-01-13 21:56 (UTC)

Calling somebody an idiot and a liar sometimes leads to this person getting back to you. За базар нужно отвечать, да.

Re: Why all the anger?

[info] avysk

2010-01-14 07:35 (UTC)

Ты о чём? Чувак спросил, чего вдруг он должен прислушиваться к моему мнению. Я ему сказал, что он не должен :)

Про UML это я например, потому что его удивительно часто используют для того, для чего он не предназначен, наслушавшись "специалистов".

Ну, ты не путай специалистов с базара торговцев серебряными пулями из софтверной индустрии с учеными.
